Place born
Organisation / Person
1875-1969, meteorological, aviation & surveying instrument manufacturer, London, England

Short and Mason Limited

1875 - 1969

1879-current (2020), manufacturer of surgical instruments, London, England

Downs Surgical Limited


1878-1969, mathematical & scientific instrument maker, Manchester & London, England

J Halden and Company Limited

1878 - 1969

c. 1875 -1998, manufacturer of ceramics, Burslem, England

Dunn, Bennett and Company Limited

1878 - 1998

1877-1926, manufacturer of explosives, Ardeer, Scotland

Nobel's Explosives Company Limited

1877 - 1926

American; birth control advocate; nurse

Sanger, Margaret

1878 - 1966

1876-1999, manufacturer of microscopes, Vienna, Austria


1876 - 1999

1879-1941, poster artist, British

Gawthorn, Henry George

1879 - 1941

active 1870s -1950s, herbalist; supplier and manufacturer of materia medica, London, England

Potter and Clarke Limited


1878-1967, motor vehicle and bicycle manufacturer, Coventry, England, British

Rover Company


Rolls, Charles Stewart

1877 - 1910

1875-1976, manufacturer, Tunstall, British

Alfred Meakin

1875 - 1976

1876-1960s, druggist; manufacturer of pharmaceutical & chemical preparations; distiller, Southwark

Wright, Layman and Umney Limited

1876 - 1969

1879-, manufacturer of instruments and control equipment, Frankfurt, Germany

Hartmann and Braun


1878-1929, electrical engineer; cryptologist, German

Scherbius, Arthur

1878 - 1929

Jarrott, Charles

1877 - 1944

1876-1941, locomotive engineer, Britain

Gresley, Sir Nigel

1876 - 1941

1898-1915, magazine, English; British

The Girl's Realm

1811 - 1911

1878-1983, publisher of card games and stationery, London, England

Castell Brothers Limited

1878 - 1983

1879-present, locomomotive manufacturer, Loughborough, England

Brush Electrical Engineering Company Limited


1879-1955, physicist, German; American

Einstein, Albert

1879 - 1955

Pole, Felix John Clewett

1877 - 1956

1875-1914, textiles manufacturing firm, Scottish, Scotland

Alexander Morton and Company

1875 - 1914


Lehnert, Rudolf Franz

1878 - 1948

1878-1971, artist; marine painter; poster artist; etcher, English; British

Wilkinson, Norman

1878 - 1971

1875-1941, physician; anaesthetist, British

Boyle, Henry Edmund Gaskin

1875 - 1941

1875-1945, inventor active in cinematography, Polish

Proszynski, Kazimierz

1875 - 1945

active 1875-1993, psychiatric hospital, Chartham, England

Kent County Mental Hospital

1875 - 1993

Dunne, John William

1875 - 1949

1879-1950, scientific instrument makers; optician; manufacturer of photographic apparatus, Manchester, England

Aubrey Franks Limited

1879 - 1950

1876-1972, chronophotographer, inventor, Irish born; British; French

Bull, Lucien

1876 - 1972

1877-1936, poster artist; artist; illustrator; painter; draughtsman; author, British

Maxwell, Donald

1877 - 1936

1876-1987, manufacturer, Leeds


1876 - 1987

1876-1965, poster artist; artist; painter; marine painter; draughtsman; etcher; author, English

Mason, Frank Henry

1876 - 1965

1878-1972, sculptor; medallist, Czech/Bohemian born; Austrian

Hartig, Arnold

1878 - 1972

1876-1965, locomotive engineer and railway administrator, British

Stanier, Sir William Arthur

1876 - 1965

Ingram, Bruce Stirling

1877 - 1963

1876-1947, miniature railway engineer, British

Greenly, Henry

1876 - 1947

1879-1908, photographer, British

Maull and Fox

1879 - 1908

Roe, Humphrey Verdon

1878 - 1949

1879-1889, manufacturer of electric arc lamps, Lambeth, London, England

Anglo American Brush Electric Light Corporation Limited

1879 - 1889

1875 - active 1920s, manufacturer of leather goods; silversmiths, England

Finnigans Limited


Hosier, Arthur Julius

1877 - 1963

1875-1963, poster artist; decorator; watercolourist; artist; architectural painter, British

Taylor, Fred

1875 - 1963

1877-1925, manufacturer of dyestuffs; manufacturer of chemicals, Uerdingen, Germany

Chemische Fabriken vorm Weiler-ter Meer

1877 - 1925

1877-current (2009), bell and carillon makers, Croydon, Surrey, England, British

Gillett, Bland and Company


Silberrad, Oswald John

1878 - 1960

1875-1950, medallist; sculptor, German

Goetz, Karl

1875 - 1950

1875-1942, poster artist; painter; illustrator, British

Clark, Christopher

1875 - 1942

Golla, Frederick Lucien

1877 - 1968